2021/01/070 Comments

Why Have Purpose?

Purpose in life. Why have it? I've been asking myself this question a lot lately, with some very unsatisfactory answers. Here are my thoughts.
2020/12/310 Comments

2020: A Year In Review

This year has taught me that I can be quick to judge, quick to form opinions, and slow to understanding my limitations. I’ve learned that my internal dialogue can largely be altered by what I view on a screen, and that I’m not as adaptable to change as I wish I was....
2020/11/090 Comments

Seasons of Life

Life naturally gets broken up into different seasons, and sometimes it's hard to say goodbye as we move towards the next one.
Hiro Takeda2020/09/220 Comments

Familiar, Yet Unfamiliar

After our amazing trip driving for two months in Canada, we have arrived in Estonia. It's not the first time that I've been here, but it's the first time coming with the intention of staying for a while.
2020/06/270 Comments

Disassembling Life

It's always bittersweet when you leave a place. Let me share what my thoughts are on the transient lifestyle.

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